
"Hire Your First or Next Sales Professional"


Hire, Train, and Retain Your First or Next Sales Professional.

In this Starter Kit, Michelle Terpstra will guide you on a transformative journey to unlock time freedom, scale your business, and entrust sales to the professionals. With her expert training, you’ll step into your CEO role and achieve strategic business growth.

You have the right to reclaim your dreams!

It’s time to let go of the constant sales pressure and rediscover the joy and purpose that led you to start your business in the first place. By entrusting the sales responsibilities to professionals, you can free yourself from the burden and focus on what truly ignites your passion.

Sounds nice, but how do you get there? I can help you.

You have the right to reclaim your dreams!

It’s time to let go of the constant sales pressure and rediscover the joy and purpose that led you to start your business in the first place. By entrusting the sales responsibilities to professionals, you can free yourself from the burden and focus on what truly ignites your passion.

Sounds nice, but how do you get there? I can help you.

Let's get to know one another...

I'm Michelle Terpstra, and my mission is to help business owners break free from sales and reclaim their role as CEO.

Most business owners I work with fall into two categories:
  • The Solo Entrepreneur: These owners handle all sales calls themselves, struggling to find time while juggling other responsibilities.
  • The Outsourced Sales Seeker: These owners have tried delegating sales by hiring a salesperson or using a third-party service, but didn’t achieve the desired results.

Sneak Peek ⬆️ Inside The Starter Kit Training 🔥

Letting go of the sales responsibilities in your organization is a necessary but frightening task.

However, by holding onto these responsibilities yourself, you unintentionally limit the growth and profitability of your business.
You may have already tried hiring or outsourcing a salesperson, only to find that it didn’t work as expected. This frustration is understandable. Simply finding someone with sales skills or relying on third-party agencies doesn’t guarantee success. Why? Because your business is unique and distinct. It requires a tailored strategy that recognizes your unique value proposition, understands your target audience, and aligns with your specific business goals.

This is where the "Hire Your First or Next Sales Professional Starter Kit" comes in as the solution you've been seeking. It empowers you with the essential tools and strategies to confidently hire and train a sales professional who will grasp the essence of your business and effectively represent your brand.

By following this kit, you’ll be able to let go of the sales responsibilities without sacrificing the success of your business. You’ll regain your role as the CEO and focus on strategic growth, while a skilled sales professional drives revenue and expands your customer base.
Don’t let fear hold you back.
Embrace the opportunity to scale your business and achieve the growth and profitability you desire.

The "Hire Your First or Next Sales Professional Starter Kit" will guide you every step of the way.

Sneak Peek ⬆️ Inside The Starter Kit Training 🔥

Letting go of the sales responsibilities in your organization is a necessary but frightening task.

However, by holding onto these responsibilities yourself, you unintentionally limit the growth and profitability of your business.
You may have already tried hiring or outsourcing a salesperson, only to find that it didn’t work as expected. This frustration is understandable. Simply finding someone with sales skills or relying on third-party agencies doesn’t guarantee success. Why? Because your business is unique and distinct. It requires a tailored strategy that recognizes your unique value proposition, understands your target audience, and aligns with your specific business goals.

This is where the "Hire Your First or Next Sales Professional Starter Kit" comes in as the solution you've been seeking. It empowers you with the essential tools and strategies to confidently hire and train a sales professional who will grasp the essence of your business and effectively represent your brand.

By following this kit, you’ll be able to let go of the sales responsibilities without sacrificing the success of your business. You’ll regain your role as the CEO and focus on strategic growth, while a skilled sales professional drives revenue and expands your customer base.
Don’t let fear hold you back.
Embrace the opportunity to scale your business and achieve the growth and profitability you desire.

The "Hire Your First or Next Sales Professional Starter Kit" will guide you every step of the way.

Who Should Purchase the Starter Kit?

Any business owner, running an existing profitable business, has lead flow, and is ready to move from sales to CEO.

Who Should Purchase the Starter Kit?

Any business owner, running an existing profitable business, has lead flow, and is ready to move from sales to CEO.


It's Time To Make Your Vision a Reality

Imagine having a highly trained sales professional that is converting sales for your business at the highest level. Let's get started.

What's inside the Starter Kit?

Written Guide

Gain access to a step-by-step written guide that covers everything you need to know about hiring and training your first or next sales professional. From defining job roles to creating effective training programs, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and insights to make informed decisions.

A Four-Part Video

Dive deeper into the world of sales hiring and training with our 4-part video training series. Led by experienced sales professionals, these videos will walk you through the key strategies and best practices for finding and developing top sales talent.

A Complimentary
Coaching Session

Receive personalized guidance and support through a 1-1 coaching session. Our experienced sales coach will work closely with you to address your specific challenges, provide tailored strategies, and help you navigate the process of hiring and managing your sales professional.


We equip you with the tools and knowledge to hire, train, and retain your first or next sales professional.

Training One

Tools, Systems, and Structure

We’ll provide you with the necessary infrastructure to set your sales professional up for success. From creating a unique sales map that outlines your sales process to developing job descriptions for yourself and your sales professional, we’ll ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards a common goal.
Training Two

Lead Generation and Irresistible Offer

We’ll dive into the world of lead generation, helping you attract high-quality leads and qualify them effectively. Learn how to target the right audience, train your leads with valuable insights, and create an irresistible offer that compels them to take action.
Training Three

Creating a Customized Sales Training

Discover the secret sauce of customized sales training. We’ll guide you in creating a branded and customized sales training portal tailored to your business, equipping your sales professionals with the knowledge and skills to effectively sell your products or services.
Training Four

Organized CRM and Pipeline

Learn how to streamline your sales process, improve customer relationships, and make data-driven decisions by implementing an organized CRM system and sales pipeline. This will keep your sales professional focused, efficient, and consistently following up with prospects, maximizing your chances of closing deals.


Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions?
We are here to answer...

The Starter Kit is a one-time payment of $97 and includes a written guide, video training, and a live coaching session.
The program is designed for you to consume in a few hours, and the coaching session will be approximately one-hour in length.
Michelle, or a member of her team will help you apply each of the four teachings to your current business, brainstorm with you on what you can do to begin the process of hiring, and walk you through your next steps.
Michelle has trained thousands of owners and helped them hire their first or next sales professional so she’s confident she can help you. If you own a business, have an offer, and have leads this can work for you. If your offer and leadflow are not where you’d like them to be, Michelle can help.
Who’s Michelle?
Great question, and we’re glad you asked. Here’s her bio from her website.

Before starting my own business, I spent a decade working for 3 Fortune 500’s as a Sales Leader (yep! nearly 25,000 sales conversations and 2,100 sales presentations!), I found myself looking for more.

I went on to open and run a Toastmasters Club that helped high-achieving professionals master their messaging to easily gain new clients.

I said goodbye to my 9-5 to enjoy a life of time flexibility and financial freedom without compromising my ambition.

Now as a business owner and the creator of the Sales Success Lounge™ and Startup Sales Leadership Academy™, I have taught hundreds of online brands and startups to create and sell premium products by mastering sales skills and then building sales teams from the ground up.

My signature framework helps coaches, consultants, speakers, agencies, and service providers create, implement and scale a stress-free rinse-and-repeat sales system while freeing up more and more time to do the things they love.

Working with me means falling in love with selling, enjoying visibility, and building a raving fan-client culture in your business.

Let's begin with

taking your first step to

hiring your sales pro.

It’s only $997