
friday, october 13th, 10am-2:00pm est-
sales intensive reserved for CEOS

optimize your sales system, make more sales in q4 and prepare to hire your sales pro in just one day


If you are serious about growth, you need to optimize 4 key elements inside your sales system to see the success you desire as a scaling CEO and future sales leader. And you're invited to get-it-all done in one day!!

"Thank you Michelle for bringing sanity back into my business!"

ashley m.

During this intensive, you're walking away with...


your core company values + sales leader user guide

For the love of sales, please have your core values published on your website and a “user guide” ready to share with your sales team that helps them understand what makes you hit the dance floor 💃🏼🕺🏻 on a Friday night. #successinsynergy

activate your sassy sales assistant

Without spending a dime, you can make your current CRM work harder than a bartender serving margs 🍹 on a Taco 🌮 Tuesday. Learn how to use tags, segments, triggers and automated pipeline features to signal to you or team “hey hey look at me I am ready to buy and just waiting for you to ask! 🤣” 



use digital marketing to your advantage

It’s no secret that the more heavy lifting your marketing does, the more likely a one call close is to happen, but this goes way deeper than a few social posts and “engaging.” There are two powerful email sequences that will blow your mind and your sales conversion rate if you dare to swipe this strategy – yep we will write them together. 

omg. stop the product suite madness.

Keep it simple, friends. Your product suite may make sense to you, but it’ll need to be as clear as my top coat after a quality mani 💅🏻 for a sales pro to enroll. We will create a simple one sheet that clearly communicate your core offer, upsells and downsells. Consider this your team’s cheat seat to sales success. 


THIS one day get-it-done intensive IS FOR YOU IF...

  • You’re a coach, consultant, service provider or agency owner that’s ready to hand off sales to a trusted internal team member without sleepless nights 😅 wondering if they will handle your clients in the same badassery as you do. 
  • You’re confident you consistently create amazing results for your clients (you just need to optimize your sales system to get more enrollments without spending even more time on sales calls 📞) 
  • You’re ready to ditch non-revenue generating projects for a day and do the dirty 😎 work required to amplify sales beyond $1 million! 
  • You know your time in the sales seat is limited and you are one smart cookie 🍪 to take care of these essentials now rather than later.
  • You’re one cool unicorn 🦄 and want to be surrounded by other baddies for a day dedicated to getting things DONE in your business instead of buying anymore courses that go to die in your email 📩.
  • You’re ready to call in MASSIVE profit and are eager to put in place a sales system that will help you get there!
  • Lastly, you don’t really NEED anything. You just want the short cut, a day with a world class Chief Sales Officer and some spicy little additions to your existing sizzling sales system 😉.

"I can't believe how many leads I was missing - so excited to follow up!"

katie b.

meet michelle

Corporate Old School meets Modern Digital…

What does that look like in today’s sales scape?

It’s like Jeb Blount cake with Gary Vee frosting and a sprinkle of Marie Forelo and voila, you have Michelle Terpstra’s sales methodology.

Oh and a Fortune 500 sales background, 1.000 happy customers and partridge in a pear tree 🐦‍⬛. 

Here’s the thing…most people and companies avoid two things when it comes to sales:

1) They avoid sales completely and do cross-your-fingers marketing tactics instead (that’s not you ’cause you on this sales page!)

2) Or they are white-knuckling the sales seat, afraid to let go of their sales because they don’t know how to teach what they know how to do. (wink wink looking at you sassy pants)

But what people desire when it comes to growing their business is white space on their calendars. Because…

When you have to do all the things…you’re still working a 9-5 and then some…

….And sacrificing what you could be making in terms of profits while missing out on the life you’re looking to create that works with your business rather than the other way around. 

So here I am calling you out. 

Knock it off. 

You’re a baddie and we both know it. Let’s get you that FREEDOM you deserve. 

Take your first step to increased valuation and more time freedom.

Are you in?